
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I forgot about this blog. No one’s reading this anyway so w/e

Might post more comic stuff. I wanna cover comics that are bad for various reasons. I wanna talk about Jason Aaron’s Avengers because they butchered Robbie Reyes’ character. I want to mention Rosenberg’s X-Men because of how edgy and stupid it is. I want to cover the comic where Angel has sex with Husk right in front of her mom. Sadly, nothing will ever be as funny as America 2017. But it could still be fun, right?

Okay bye

Anyway, my reviews are old. I might redo my review of the first issue, since I’ve since come to learn a lot about Prodigy and his history. Which, I will say, went to shit post-Academy X. The New X-Men were done so dirty, and Prodigy wasn’t spared.

Heck nice. Check 4:00

Pretty sure Jeremy just found this blog through Google and isn’t a longtime reader. This blog has no longtime readers. But still, the attention is great.

Keep spreading the word of my girl, America Chavez.

Assuming New Warriors and Gotham High don’t get cancelled before they’re released, I’ll probably review them.

I tried doing a review of Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, but it was just so painfully bad. I just couldn’t. I tried so hard, but I couldn’t.

Top 10 America Chavez Moments


2017 was a rough year. But this year saw the release of the America Chavez comic, America. And in case you didn’t hear, America is Superhero of the Year!

Written by YA author Gabby Rivera, this comic follows Young Avengers fan-favorite America Chavez in her first solo series. America is a queer brown woman, and proud of it.

Since the release of its first issue, people have been following each and every installment with bated breath. Opinions on the work vary, but it has managed to catch the interest of nearly everyone who’s read it.

To celebrate America’s contribution to 2017, I’m writing about some of my favorite moments from her solo series.

Continue reading “Top 10 America Chavez Moments”

America #9 Review


Which is the bigger cry for help: writing America? Or reviewing America?

Remember when I called this series a sinking ship that was struck by lighting and set on fire, and the ship’s radio was damaged beyond repair, dooming everyone on board to a painful death, while everyone on board has given up and decided to hang out and talk about dating? Forget all of that. The ship was completely destroyed a long time ago, and the few survivors are now left drifting in the ocean, waiting for the cold waters to claim their lives.

Continue reading “America #9 Review”